The CIP Eco-innovation initiative is managed by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation on behalf of the European Commission.
Through the Eco-innovation funding scheme, the EU wants to support innovative products, services and technologies that can make a better use of our natural resources and reduce Europe's ecological footprint. With its objective to bridge the gap between research and the market, CIP Eco-innovation contributes to the implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP).
There is nearly € 200 million available to fund Eco-innovation projects between 2008 and 2013.
The launch of the next Call for proposals is foreseen for 13 April 2010, the deadline for submission of proposals is foreseen to be 9 September 2010.
The Eco-Innovation European Info Day will take place on 13 April 2010 in Brussels (Charlemagne Building, Rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels, Room S3).